Sign up for early access and be among the first to experience the new way of booking hotels.

Five quick questions
This is why LINNKER is a different booking platform than what you currently use.
Reason for creating LINNKER?
LINNKER was created to connect travelers directly with hotels, offering the best rates and tailored experiences. We aim to simplify the booking process, cutting out unnecessary middlemen. With LINNKER, travelers find the right stay effortlessly, while hotels build direct, valuable connections with their guests.
LINNKER connects you directly to hotels, offering the best prices without hidden fees. Unlike other platforms, we prioritize transparency, giving you access to hotels’ own terms and customer service. With Linnker, you’ll find the perfect stay quickly and confidently.
How does it work?
Simply search for your destination, browse hotels, and select the one that suits you best. LINNKER then connects you directly to the hotel’s booking page, where you complete your reservation with their best rates and terms—no middleman involved.
Is the service free?
Yes, LINNKER is completely free for users! There are no added fees or hidden costs—simply find your hotel, book directly, and enjoy the best rates without extra charges.
Who is it for?
LINNKER is for anyone looking for a seamless hotel booking experience—whether you're a frequent traveler, planning a family trip, or booking a quick getaway. We’re here to connect you with the right hotel, easily and directly, tailored to your needs.
Reason for creating LINNKER?
LINNKER was created to connect travelers directly with hotels, offering the best rates and tailored experiences. We aim to simplify the booking process, cutting out unnecessary middlemen. With LINNKER, travelers find the right stay effortlessly, while hotels build direct, valuable connections with their guests.
LINNKER connects you directly to hotels, offering the best prices without hidden fees. Unlike other platforms, we prioritize transparency, giving you access to hotels’ own terms and customer service. With Linnker, you’ll find the perfect stay quickly and confidently.
How does it work?
Simply search for your destination, browse hotels, and select the one that suits you best. LINNKER then connects you directly to the hotel’s booking page, where you complete your reservation with their best rates and terms—no middleman involved.
Is the service free?
Yes, LINNKER is completely free for users! There are no added fees or hidden costs—simply find your hotel, book directly, and enjoy the best rates without extra charges.
Who is it for?
LINNKER is for anyone looking for a seamless hotel booking experience—whether you're a frequent traveler, planning a family trip, or booking a quick getaway. We’re here to connect you with the right hotel, easily and directly, tailored to your needs.